Ways of Ordering
A) (ONLINE) When placing your order online in our online store, all you have to do is select the field (AKIS EXPRESS DELIVERY With Cash on Delivery Only Cash) in the method of delivery and collection by you. You will receive 2 messages on your registered mobile phone from Akis Express.
Two SMS Messages from Akis Express Courrier with Shipping Note Code
The 1st when I ship your Order and
The 2nd when it Arrived at the Office (Akis Express Station that YOU CHOOSE.
Show the Shipping Note Code when receiving your package
B) (PHONE) Alternatively, call the store to provide the product code(s) you are interested in and the “Where the package will be delivered” information.
C) (SMS MESSAGE) Send Us a Message with Code/s
Product/s the reference for City and Office of Akis Express in your City.
The payment of the amount is made at the time of delivery as it would be with the cash on delivery procedure. The products you ordered will come in completely discreet packaging without any company logo.
For extra discretion, we have the possibility to call you shortly before we arrive at the delivery destination you have indicated to us!
D) (EMAIL) Send us email with products or items needed. Qty of each item and the corresponding SKU (code of the product)